Product Code: 1103
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The special feature of this system is its correlation of physics education with the practical application of photovoltaic cells. These unique textbook enhancements are the top choice when it comes to experiments related to solar energy because it has been awarded the Worlddidac Award.
This system is designed in a way that most experiments can be carried out in normal room lighting without the need for an external power source. The leXsolar illumination module (included) is only required for some experiments and can be operated using the student's own power source.
1. Introduction to the leXsolar basic unit
2. Optical Illusions
2.1 Basic Setup for Experiments with a Color Disc
2.2 Color Quality
2.3 Mixing of Complementary Colors
2.4 Optical Illusions with a Benham Disc
2.5 Optical Illusions with a PhantoRei Disc
3. Experiments on Different Types of Radiation
3.1 Impact of Diffuse Radiation on Solar Cell Energy (Qualitative)
3.2 Impact of Direct Radiation on Solar Cell Energy (Qualitative)
3.3 Albedo Radiation Intensity of Different Substances (Qualitative)
4. Dependency of Solar Cell Energy on its Location
5. Dependency of Solar Cell Energy on the Incident Light Angle
5.1 Dependency of Solar Cell Power on the Incident Light Angle (Qualitative)
5.2 Dependency of Solar Cell Power on the Incident Light Angle (Quantitative)
6. Dependency of Solar Cell Power on Illuminance
6.1 Dependency of Solar Cell Power on Illuminance 1 (Qualitative)
6.2 Dependency of Solar Cell Power on Illuminance 2 (Qualitative)
6.3 Dependency of Solar Cell Power on Illuminance 1 (Quantitative)
7. Dependency of Solar Cell Power on Temperature
8. Dependency of Solar Cell Power on the Frequency of Incident Light
9. Solar Cell Diode Characteristics
9.1 Dark Characteristics of a Solar Cell
9.2 Solar Cell Internal Resistance depending on Forward or Reverse Bias or in Dark or Under Light
10. Solar Cell IV Characteristics
10.1 Dependency of Solar Cell Power on the Load
10.2 IV Characteristics and Fill Factor of Solar Cell Modules
10.3 Dependency of Solar Cell IV Characteristics on Illuminance
11. Expression of Voltage and Current in Series and Parallel Solar Cell Connections
11.1 Expression of Voltage and Current in Series and Parallel Solar Cell Connections (Qualitative)
11.2 Expression of Voltage and Current in Series and Parallel Solar Cell Connections (Quantitative)
12. Behavior of Voltage and Current of Solar Cell in Series and Parallel Connections Dependent on Shadow
12.1 Behavior of Voltage and Current when Solar Cell is in Series Connection Dependent on Shadow (Qualitative)
12.2 Behavior of Voltage and Current when Solar Cell is in Series Connection Dependent on Shadow (Quantitative)
12.3 Behavior of Voltage and Current when Solar Cell is in Parallel Connection Dependent on Shadow (Quantitative)
13. Independent Grid Simulation with a Photovoltaic Substation
14. Capacitor Characteristics Graph
14.1 Charging Characteristic Graph of a Capacitor Charged by Solar Cell
14.2 Discharging Process of a Capacitor
15. Real Experiments
15.1 Determining the Efficiency of Various Energy Conversions
15.2 Rotation Direction and Speed of a Motor
15.3 Starting and Running Current of a Motor.