Product Code: ST.RF.A0200

Price: Contact

A Refrigeration System Model is a practical, scaled-down version of a real-world refrigeration system used for educational purposes, training, and demonstrating the principles of refrigeration. It allows users to visualize and understand how refrigeration systems operate, and it can be utilized to study the thermodynamic processes involved in cooling, heating, and energy transfer in refrigeration cycles.

  • Device information
  • Specifications


• Understand the structure and principles of an indirect cooling refrigeration system.
• Learn the principles of electrical systems.
• Wire electrical circuits and perform measurements.
• Practice refrigerant charging and operate the model.
• Calibrate capillary tube balance.
• Troubleshoot and repair electrical circuits.
• Troubleshoot and repair refrigeration circuits.

• Technical Specifications:
+ Input voltage: 220V
+ Power: 1/4 Hp
+ Frequency: 50/60Hz
• Model Features:
+ Independent modular design mounted on an alumi-num profile frame.
+ Modules can be easily attached or detached from
the standard mounting frame.
+ Instructional diagrams printed on the module sur-face using durable film printing, ensuring aesthetics and long-lasting usability.