An Automation Lab is an integrated classroom that combines theory and practice, where students or trainees practice industrial automation techniques and systems. It may include equipment such as PLCs, sensors, and control systems. The goal is to help trainees apply theory to practice and develop skills in operating, programming, and maintaining automated equipment.

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Build hardware structure to collect production information in the field: Collect data from PLC, use Remote 10, Wireless 10, Smart Sensor

System control programming

Building software to monitor, manage and optimize the system

+ Configure IoT system, MQTT platform

+ Processing data on the Cloud

+ Build Dashboard to display data

+ Build graphs displaying data

+ Analyze and optimize machine performance with OEE tools

+ Analyze and optimize energy use with FMS tool

+ Warning and analysis of system errors with Andon tool

+ Build a maintenance schedule with the Maintenance tool

+ Predict machine status with PHM tool